Graduated in Spain by the performing Arts school of Pasai and by the dramatic Art School of L'egaleon T (Lecoq Method). After 8 years of career in Spain , the focus was on Street Theater, started again in Berlin, Search for new forms of performing is still something what motivates him , for example acting with live music or multimedia proyections, or with international cooperations with a local groups.
Profesional Skills
Physical Theater, Aerial Dance , Stilts , Butoh, Puppet Theater, Clown, Cabaret and Comedy, Percusion.
Professional Work
During this years works together with diferents theater groups around the world , Festivals and Events in Japan, China, South Korea, India, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Cuba, Argentina and almost all Europe.
List of Theater Groups
Grotest Maru, Teatro Só, El Tallercito, Stabfigurencompany, Lufttanz Theater, De Laguarda, Feuervögel, Els Comediants, InZhest Theater, Dulce Compania, Maimur Teatroa, Ikaron Theater, Scaramouche Theater.
References in the network
Current projects
Last three years
Grotest Maru 2022
April SCHWARM was presented at the end of our residency at Schloss Bröllin
May SCHWARM at the opening of the Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen
July SCHWARM as part of the Kultursommer Festival Berlin at the Osram-Höfe
August SCHWARM as part of the Spurwechselfestival, Stralsund
Sep GLOBAL AMAZONIA took place at the Kleist Forum Frankfurt/Oder. Visual Facade Performance, funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media in within the framework of the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, in cooperation with the Kleist Forum Frankfurt/Oder.
LeseUFO 2022
Project organised by the Landkreis Oder-Spree Archive, Reading and Media Centre, performances with various laboratories: writing, singing, dancing, sculpture... Together with the travelling library.
April 5. landing, primary school Friedland
May 6th landing, Neuzelle
Producciones Abismales 2022
The Dragons of the Sea
Feb. Winterwerft Festival / Frankfurt Main
June GOFER Festival, at the Polish Children's Day / Goleniów
ENVIRONMENT FESTIVAL / Street of the 17th June, Berlin
PerleBÄM Street Art Festival / Perleberg
ExtraSchicht The Night of Industrial Culture / Zollverein, Essen
July ViaThea 26th International Street Theatre Festival / Görlitz
International Street Theatre Festival Hoyerswerda
Sep. Salon K The art and culture festival in the Lettekiez / Berlin
Dayoub & Naga
July 36th Kulturufer Festival / Friedrichshafen
Grotest Maru 2021
April "Artist Residency in Lehnin at the Lehniner Institut für Kunst und Kultur e.V. Project SCHWARM supported by the programme Take Aktion under the umbrella of Fonds der Darstellende Künste.
July "Schwarm" premiere and further performances at Sommer of Performance at Bärenquell Brauerei, Berlin
Timebank" performances at Summer of Performance at the Bärenquell Brewery, Berlin
August "Schwarm" at the Sommerwerft Festival at Frankfurt am Main
"Schwarm" at Summer of Performance at the Bärenquell Brewery, Berlin
"Schwarm" video shoot and last performance in Lehnin
Sep. opening of the theatre season at the 20 years Kleistforum Theatre in Frankfurt Oder with "Parada Narrnia".
Producciones Abismales 2021
June "The Dragons of the Sea" World Ocean Day in cooperation with the Wadden Sea National Park on the island of Norderney
Sep "Inti and the castaway in distress" 4th International Hat Festival, Chemnitz
LeseUFO 2021
Project designed by the Oder-Spree district archive, reading and media centre, performances with different laboratories: writing, singing, dancing, sculpture... Together with the travelling library.
June Large reading UFO at the Weather Museum in Lindenberg
July Small reading UFO at the primary school in Briesen
August Big Reading UFO in Woltersdorf
Sep Small Reading UFO at the primary school in Spreenhagen
Big Reading UFO in Steinhöfel Apple Festival
Oct. Small Reading UFO at the primary school in Kossenblatt
Theatre Projects 2020
Due to the lockdown, the year 2020 was professionally very limited.
Grotest Maru
Sep. "Abandoned Rooms 2". Video shooting in cooperation with the artist Rose Schulze, Bernau
"Landpartie- 2020" in Uhlenkrug, Koblentz and Bagemühl, designed by Schlöß Bröllin e.V.
Oct. "Landpartie- 2020" in Uhlenkrug, Koblentz and Bagemühl, designed by Schlöß Bröllin e.V.
Sep. Project designed by Landkreis Oder-Spree Archive, Reading and Media Centre. 1st performance in Müllrose
Oct. Performance of Kleine LeseUfo at the primary school in Ziltendorf
Producciones Abismales
Sep. "The Dragons of the Sea " Open Air Theatre in Spreepark, Berlin
May Stilts Action protest at the bee day together with BUND Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation Germany e.V., on the Reichstag, (Berlin)
Artistic knowledge
Dramatic Theater
Miguel Galindo, Esperanza López ,Rosario Pardo, Connie Rossner, Ursula Berzborn
Bufon, Clown
Eric de Von, Leela Alaniz, Luciana Arcuri
Dance, Butoh, Physical Theater
Cristina Quijera, Yuko Kaseki, Valentin Tzin, Slava Inozemcev, Atsushi Takenouchi,
Shanti Oiarzabal
Giant puppets
Max Ebert
Music (Percussion)
Pascal Riter, Manuel Beltran, Soulaiman Touré, Abel Sanchez
Circus techniques, Aerial dance
Lucy Browler, Pichon Baldinu, Abel Navarro, Alejandro Lariguet
Our rights in Action, as a speaker of Landesjugendring Berlin e.V. at the intensive workshop series in different Berlin refugee shelters. The aim is to educate children about their rights using theatre-based educational methods. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family Affairs.
Head of the Stelzen-AG, at the Fritz-Carsen-Schule for the current school year. Project funded by the Berlin Senate for Education, Youth and Family Affairs.
Our rights in Action, as a speaker for Landesjugendring Berlin e.V. at the intensive workshop series in various Berlin refugee shelters. The aim is to educate children about their rights using theatre-based educational methods.
Theatre makes school. 6 weeks intensive theatre workshop and additional performances, Hector Peterson School. Berlin.
Project funded by the Berlin Senate for Education, Youth and Family. The performance and a large part of the workshop was filmed for internal use of the school. At the time, strict Corona regulations applied in Berlin.
The craft of theatre in public space. "Images of women - a theatrical research in public space".
Workshop leader in collaboration with La Red / Agit Polska in KuLe Theatre (Berlin).
The workshop series is a sub-project of the model project "WIR HIER! No place for Muslimophobia in Europe.
From the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the Federal Agency for Civic Education...
Theatre makes school. 6 weeks intensive theatre workshop and additional performances, Hector Peterson School. Berlin.
Project funded by the Berlin Senate for Education, Youth and Family.
I am bigger. 5 activity stilts workshop and performance for FRI-X BERG Youth Arts School in Berlin.
The craft of theatre in public space. Workshop leader in collaboration with La Red / Agit Polska at the KuLe Theatre in Berlin.
Theatre makes school. 6 weeks theatre workshop with Grotest Maru at Hector Peterson School. Berlin.
Puppettheater Workshifting with Stabfigurencompany at the UNIMA
Festival in Matanzas (Cuba)
Stilts Workshop, in Minsk at the InZhest Theater
Stilt Teacher on the Lisa Morgenstein school, for pupils of the 8th grade
Work semester for puppet theater with Stabfigurencompany,
Second lebel
2010 - 2011
Stilts Instructor in Vüsch, exchange and further education
Teacher on " Theater in Comic" at the Bellas Artes Theater (Guatemala City)
The course was inspired by the aesthetics of the comics and its preservation
Different styles, audiovisual theater.
Monitor at Afro-Caribbean Express. For young people with social
Integration problems in Neuköln.
2000 - 2001
Acrobatics Instructor at Ostargi Gizarte Elkartea in the Samaniego
School in Tolosa, Spain, for pupils from 3rd grade to 8th grade