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 The theme of our shows focuses mainly on the environmental changes that our society is currently facing.
"The Dragons of the Sea" and "Dayoub & Naga" deal with different aspects of this problem from different angles. Both shows can be programmed in their original version or as a Walking Act.

"InTi & the Shipwrecked" is, however, an entertaining funny stand-up act where our relationship with marine nature is magnified.   

All our productions are especially oriented for a family audience.


DRAGONS OF THE SEA Object theatre designed for public spaces and public of all ages, in particular interesting for children. A flying fish appears in the sea space. The shape and movement of their fins remind us of a dragon fish. Full of joy goes on the discovery of the environment. Jump and dance between the audience, inspires everyone with its ease and perceives everyone as a sea creature. Shortly thereafter, a diver comes into play. With old research objects examined the seabed. Unobtrusively nourishes the fish. Surprises, misunderstandings and at the end a poetic encounter come into play. Suddenly, the diver stays stuck to the mud of the seabed (the mud is plastic waste). The fish tries to save him, without success. Out of pure desperation, the diver calls the audience for help. The rescue operation becomes an interactive game. The audience is encouraged to eliminate the plastic waste. The diver is saved, but the fun does not last as long, as the curious fish gets entangled in the middle of the dragon dance. Again the audience participates in the game, the fish is helped, the fins are cleared of plastic, but the fish is almost suffocated. In the last dramatic moment the fish coughs out, plastic pieces comes out of his mouth. A short, happy scene finally brings back the lightness of the beginning.

INTI AND THE SHIPWRECKED Walking Act Stilts and Puppet Theater merge into an unusual combination: InTi, our protagonist, is back after a transoceanic journey through other hemispheres. On his return, he finds a shipwrecked woman in distress.

DAYOUB & NAGA The Hypnotised Hypnotist Naga, the ritual snake, can hypnotise people and thus communicate with them. Will the snake charmer Dayoub reveal this ancestral wisdom and remind us of the danger we are in … so, what is the message? “Hello, I’m Naga. For quite some time I’ve been trying to tell you that Gaia, Pachamama, is a living being like you, like me. The rivers are her veins, the sea is her blood, her lungs are the trees she breathes through and in the middle is her crystal heart. Yes, I am talking about the earth that is seriously ill and poisoned, you humans do not take good care of it, with all the pollution and plastic that ends up in the seas, with the poisoned fields and hardly any trees or animals.But the time has come, and according to the old prophecy, it will be that beautiful place once again. That time is now, it is time to open our hearts and feel our mother Pachamama beating under our feet. It is time to take care of Mother Earth and to be reborn all together“. ​

Producciones Abismales Channel

Producciones Abismales Channel

Producciones Abismales Channel
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Trailer Producciones Abismales

Trailer Producciones Abismales

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KulturUfer 2022 Show Dayoub & Naga

KulturUfer 2022 Show Dayoub & Naga

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InTi and the Shipwrecked

InTi and the Shipwrecked

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